Within this luminescent tapestry is a faithful tribute to the intricate patterns and motifs of Kurdish textiles. With a reverence for heritage, each panel meticulously reimagines the geometry and symbolism inherent in these ancestral rugs, drawing viewers into a world of timeless storytelling. The intricate interplay of light and shadow across these patterns creates a sense of depth and movement.

In its visual language, this series pays subtle homage to the neon signage that adorns bustling urban landscapes, invoking a sense of nostalgia while simultaneously projecting an almost futuristic, neo-city esthetic. This duality of tradition and innovation underscores the works overarching theme, bridging the gap between the past and the future, and inviting viewers to witness the captivating convergence of heritage and modernity.

LED FARSH. Acrylic, LED Tube Light. 2023. Mississauga

Photography by Tori Lambermont.

Marital Rug. Acrylic, LED Tube Light. 2024.

The artwork pays homage to the rich cultural tradition of marital rugs, woven by women in anticipation of their weddings.  In the context of traditional rugs, these green voids symbolize a state of mental blankness, a spiritual openness dedicated to the devotion of God. However, in this contemporary piece, the empty green spaces take on a new meaning—they represent the artist's devotion to his love.

At the centre of the rug, a classic garden motif unfolds, reminiscent of the lush and intricate patterns found in West Asian rugs. This garden motif, often associated with representations of the Garden of Eden, adds a layer of timeless symbolism to the artwork. It becomes a metaphor for the artist's romantic paradise.

Wall Rug Missing Tacks. Acrylic, LED Tube Light. 2024.

Exploration on form, life and movement in the work. The work examines the functional and decorative nature of rugs and tapestries, bringing an added layer to the work as it begins to fall and peel away from the wall.

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